Moving On from Centralized Development

It has always been the unchallenged, inevitable model: to make your business more efficient or to solve some problem, you have to get to work on a tool or solution yourself. This is why all types of companies, from automotive manufacturers to life insurance providers, have maintained in-house technology teams. Only in rare cases have they turned to outside developers, asking them to create something that they can use to manage their business. Centralization has been the rule, not the exception. For the first time ever, though, it is possible to change all of that and deliver a different kind of small business software.
That is an exciting possibility.
Despite how universal centralized development has been, it is normally far from the optimal or leanest choice. Shrewd business owners know that to make the most of their resources, they should be focusing on whatever it is that they do best, not diverting precious talent and time to creating support tools. Bindr.AI is set up to be the platform delivering the best software for small business needs.
Through a community, we can all move on from centralized development once and for all. We can leave behind the bulky, wasteful systems in which centralized processes of creating small business software have held back growth and expansion. The alternative to centralized development is, you may have guessed, decentralized development. This approach connects business owners with developers, enabling both sides of the equation to focus on their specialties and to connect with each other only as necessary. As a result, the business owners can focus on their businesses – and the developers can focus on development, taking on more projects, and monetizing their skills more efficiently.
Centralized development will, when held next to a decentralized approach, quickly start to show its weaknesses and pitfalls. What might have seemed like a necessary inconvenience now looks like a pure lack of productivity. The businesses that have hosted centralized developers spend far too much time trying to solve their business problems in-house rather than finding the best software for small business issues out there in the market. Meanwhile, the developers have been missing out on opportunities to serve multiple businesses simultaneously.
A platform through which businesses can access tools a la carte and developers can create the tools they explicitly know someone is going to use: that is how we move on from centralized development permanently. That is how we leave behind the extravagance of such an approach, in favor of something that shows respect for everyone’s time and capital and that makes the most of all the talent and knowledge available.